For the love of dogs

Creating a sustainable living to an offline market.


The Dogstr experience is exciting, loveable and purposeful. Dogstr sits at the intersection of two critical societal issues: minimum wage workforce and modern technological challenges.

Unraveling the problem

Problem No.1

There is a segment of the workforce that is often overlooked, they make under 20k a year ($7.25/hr or $290/week @40hrs/day). In the city of New York, where an average studio costs 2k/mo, this group would have to work 70+hrs/week just to pay for shelter. Dog walkers fit into this segment and they span a spectrum of fields from artists/students/freelancers to people who are looking for “gigs” to be able to have a sustainable life. In NYC, a dog walking company will charge dog parents an average of $20/30min ($40/hr), however, the dog walker only receives $10-12/hr.

Problem No.2

For the other side of the market, dog parents looking for dog care is an exhaustive and manual one. Because dog walking companies have not adopted modern technologies, dog parents looking to book a walk can be cumbersome as they have to look and vet through hundreds of online listings. There is no such thing as instant bookings, dog walking companies exist in silos and there is limited technology to be able to support these businesses.

Mapping Solutions

This is where Dogstr comes in, by creating an ethical and responsible workforce for our walkers, we are able to consolidate a market that has been operating inefficiently. We can also provide opportunities to students and artists looking for supplemental income. Dog parents can find comfort in having a single destination for bookings without having to go through the 2-3 week vetting process. Instead, Dogstr can create a platform where users can come in, subscribe to the platform and know that a walker will be at their doorstep when they need it.

Dogstr Dog Walking